Au5 & Fractal - Subvert

Artists Au5Fractal have collaborated once again to bring unto us a pure sensory explosion. If you recall, we made a post about their delicious Singularity remix of “Alone”  back at the end of May. This time these awesome glitch-masters have combined forces to create their own original track, and it has been released through Beatport as a single along with three official remixes done by artists HaywyreModel Melt, and Singularity, where he returns that remix favor.

All of the remixes are unique and exquisite, no BS. I am in lust with them all.

The original track and all of the official remixes can be found for purchase through Beatport here. You can also listen to the full-length original song and Singularity remix of “Subvert” below, as well as decently-lengthed previews for the other remixes via Soundcloud below:

| Original Track | Courtesy of GlitchHop.Net |

| Singularity Remix |

| Haywyre Remix |

| Model Melt Remix |

Au5 | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

Fractal | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

Singularity | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

Haywyre | Facebook | Soundcloud

Model Melt | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud