A timeless track by Crosby, Stills & Nash remixed by the musical teenage prodigy known as Marvel Years. This young artist’s musical taste, talent, and visceral sound expand far beyond his age in numbers on this planet, and will leave you extra impressed if not speechless. He just started producing saucy EDM/hip hop beats about a year ago, but don’t let that fool you. He has much more experience and knowledge with the guitar and classical rock than you would expect of someone like him. His future is already looking brighter than some hope to achieve in their entire musical careers. The best part about this post is that this unique, timeless track is available to add to your collection for free download.
If you like Pretty Lights, Griz, Gramatik, and the likes…. you are going to LOVE Marvel Years.
I invite you to come be marveled for yourself, and see what all the fuss is about.
Marvel Years | Soundcloud | Facebook | Bandcamp
Check out both Marvel Years’ Soundcloud & Bandcamp for many extra steezy downloads of tracks, mixes, and full-length EPs.
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